Hospitals and central purchasing bodies…
The sales manager complains that the sales recorded in a hospital cannot possibly tally with reality. And yet: your figures do not lie. But what if that hospital purchases through a central purchasing body? As a result of which you are not able to map the flow of goods? Then ask Reflexy to investigate what data are available. And what colleagues are updating it - often independently of each other. And whether the data may possibly be matched with each other – (e.g. via telephone numbers or addresses). So that the hospital reps do get the correct figures.The annual nightmare
Every year, yet again, too many pharmaceutical companies get phone calls from angry doctors. The reason? They have received an incorrect tax certificate. And are - rightly - offended. Or, just as bad: you don’t send any certificate to doctors who have exceeded the maximum amount. And you at serious risk of tax inspection. The cause is almost always to be found in incorrectly linked databases. Problems that Reflexy detects and sorts out.Moreover: you are allowed to dream. Of a near future where doctors at symposia register through e-authentication. So that you can demonstrate their presence in black and white.